Friday, 21 September 2012

Your Own Java Classes

To use Java effectively, you want to create and use your own classes. This is one of the great powers of object-oriented languages--the ability to construct programs out of independent building-blocks that cut large problems down into small, easily solvable ones. There's a lot more that can be said, and much of it is elsewhere. So I'll get right into a very simple, very basic example here.

We're going to create a very simple object class that will print a "Hello" message to the screen when called. This class will have two different methods that will do the same thing, though we'll vary the messages they print a bit so that we can see which one is doing the work.

Here's our class: (download HelloClass.Java)

public class HelloClass{

 * sayHello() prints "Hello!" to the Java console output.
 public void sayHello(){

 * doHello() prints "Hello, hello!" to the Java console output.
 * It's static, so you don't need to instatiate a HelloClass 
 * object to use it.
 public static void doHello(){
  System.out.println("Hello, hello!\n");

} // End of HelloClass

The two methods we have to print messages are sayHello() and doHello(). To use sayHello(), we need to have a HelloClass object created, then call that object's sayHello() method.

doHello(), however, is a static method. This means is belongs to the class, not to any object of the class. So we can use it without any HelloClass objects being created first.

Here's a class that uses these methods as described: (download

public class UseHello{
 public static void main(String[] arg){

  // We can use doHello() without a HelloClass object:
  HelloClass.doHello(); // call the HelloClass's doHello() method.

  // But we need to create a HelloClass object to use sayHello():
  HelloClass hello=new HelloClass();
  hello.sayHello(); // call hello's sayHello() method.

} // End of UseHello.

If we try to call sayHello() without first creating a HelloClass object, like this:

then we'll get the dreaded "calling a non-static method from a static context" error message. That's letting you know that you need to instantiate (or create) a HelloClass object first, then tell that object to call its method.

Static methods are useful for things like general arithmetic and calculation or other methods that might be used in a way where state information is unimportant. But beware, it's easy to create static methods when what's really wanted is an object that does what you want.


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